Five Benefits of Decorative Concrete Floors
Five Benefits of Decorative Concrete Floors

A new home isn’t required for decorative concrete floors. Most homes have concrete subfloors that already can act as the perfect canvas. Typically, concrete subfloors are covered with tile, hardwood, or carpet. Materials like carpet and hardwood can be problematic over time because carpet stains and can host bacteria, and hardwood floors can easily be damaged by water or liquids.

Problematic Delaminations in Concrete Slabs
Problematic Delaminations in Concrete Slabs

Delaminations are a big problem in concrete slabs. Delaminations happen when the natural settlement of the cement and the aggregate in the concrete settle after fresh concrete is poured and compacted. The settlement happens naturally which causes bleeding (excess water and air to become displaced). The lighter of the materials rises to the surface of the concrete and gets trapped under the densified surface mortar.

Four Ways to Cover Concrete Floors
Four Ways to Cover Concrete Floors

Floor coverings are typically thought of as materials like carpet, tile, and hardwood, but did you know that concrete is also a type of floor covering? Using concrete as a floor covering is a fairly recent development. The use of overlays for decorative purposes has only been around for about twenty years.

Steps to Etch Concrete to Resemble Tiles
Steps to Etch Concrete to Resemble Tiles

Do you have a patio or concrete area that is just boring gray concrete? It doesn’t have to be! You can make your boring concrete look like stone tile just by cutting grooves into the concrete slab. The grooves will create an appearance of grout lines.

Scoring Circles in Concrete
Scoring Circles in Concrete

Today we’re going to talk about scoring circles into concrete, a bit more complex task than scoring straight lines. It may seem like a very challenging undertaking, but it doesn’t have to be so bad.

Rotary vs. Planetary Grinders: What’s the Difference?
Rotary vs. Planetary Grinders: What’s the Difference?

There are two main types of concrete grinders, there’s rotary and planetary. The difference between the two is how the grinding discs are situated at the base of the grinder. It’s good to know the differences between the two types to be able to choose the correct grinder for the job.